Written in C++ with OpenGL, this program uses a tree traversal approach to store a scene and viewed from three viewpoints; front, side, and perspective (X, Y, Z). The scene consists of three light sources, multiple primitive objects, and a procedural sky that animates as the scene progresses. A GLUI menu system is used for the controls, which allows camera panning, and zooming across the X, Y, and Z axis. A target-up vector is applied to the camera affixed to the modelview, and the animation effects are rendered in real-time with the rising and setting of the sun. The user has complete control and can scrub the procedural timeline forward, backward, or pause the scene to manipulate and or translate the objects via the GLUI control menu. The Utah Teapot, Teacup, and Teaspoon are bezier patches and vertices that are referenced and read into the program from within the zipped folder.